Any member of the club may organise a diving trip and everyone is encouraged to do so. More experienced members of the club are keen to help pass on their knowledge and skills and there is a folder of information collected by club members over time. There are also a huge range of books, magazines and web sites with information on how and where a dive trip can be organised. Many members have copies of guide books, charts, nautical almanacs and other information and are willing to loan or share them.
If you are thinking of organising a trip please start by contacting your Diving Officer who will assist you in the planning and make sure all safety aspects have been considered. Our current diving officer has added a presentation document which can be access here for anyone wanting a few tips when organising a new trip.

Find a gap in the dive trip schedule (we don’t want any trips competing!) and make sure the driver with towbar (for RIB trips), boat, accommodation and travel (flights, ferries, etc.) you need is available on those dates. You can then put an initial email out to the club to gauge interest. Your email should include where, when, what qualification is needed, a description of the type of diving and an indication of costs for diving, travel and accommodation.
Once you have sufficient numbers place a firm booking with the providers for diving, accommodation and travel (whichever is applicable). You will very likely be asked to put down a deposit for this so please put out a second email to the club with more detail on the trip asking for deposits to confirm places. Anyone paying a deposit and then withdrawing from a trip must find a replacement or pay the full price of the trip – please put this disclaimer in your second email.
If you are organising a RIB trip for the first time this is great fun and there are lots of people in the club who will help with towing, launching, etc. Please start by discussing with your Diving Officer who can help you with tides, launch sites, etc. and read the page on the club boat.
Putney Voluntary Contribution (PVC)
Members organising any club event, diving or social, are welcome to ask participants to round up their settlement of costs for the event to a suitable round figure. This rounding up amount is to be paid to the club treasurer as the Putney Voluntary Contribution (PVC) for the event. The amount rounded up is to be to the nearest one or two pounds depending on the size of the settlement. It is always to be made clear to participants that PVC is voluntary and no pressure is to be put on participants to pay this. PVC is to be accounted for separately in the annual accounts.
Useful Links
Below is a list of websites those planning a trip may find useful
Charts and Tide Predictions:
- – Tide predictions and many more useful (not only for fishing) data, for up to 1 year ahead
- – Tide predictions, free for up to 5 days ahead
- – Tides app for iPhone
- – Tubaco and Imray – publish charts and tables and iPhone app for tide times and tidal streams
- – Met office – has iPhone app
- – UK marine weather
- – wind and waves predictions – has iPhone app
- – wind and waves predictions – has iPhone and Android apps
Dive sites:
- – Does what it says – locates wrecks to dive on
- – Launching sites and slip ramps