Putney Sub-Aqua Club is a friendly diving & social club based in South West London. We welcome people new to the sport or divers who want to renew their love of diving.

We welcome all ages and abilities of adults however we’re afraid the club cannot currently cater for under-18s
unless they can be fully supervised at all time (including underwater).

Recent Dive Trips: Egypt – 29th September – 6th October 2023. Organiser-George Davidson (Diving Officer)

You can’t possibly get blown out in the Red Sea, right?

Yes, a slight exaggeration – we didn’t miss any dives, but the itinerary had to be altered to account for the strong winds.

The trip started in the Marriott hotel in Hurghada (some making use of an extra days’ annual leave to relax before boarding the boat) where we departed on Saturday morning, heading north for a check dive before reaching Abu Nuhas.

Shaa’b Abu Nuhas is a great place for wreckies given the 4 wrecks which crashed into the reef at various points. Over the next day/two days the 4 we dived the Chrisoula K, Carnatic and of course the Ghiannis D (a picture that most divers will have seen before). Some hectic rides out on the tenders but worth it for the dives. (Read more)

Where to find us

TRAINING POOL: Putney Leisure Centre, Dryburgh Road, Putney, London, SW15 1BL – SOCIAL CLUB: Hurlingham Yacht Club, 43A Deodar Rd, London SW15 2NP

Still need convincing?

Why not email our Membership Secretary with any queries you still have and we’d be happy to give you more details on putneybsac@gmail.com